I often have many friends, family, coworkers, etc. ask me about what type of luxury hangbags should they buy. Most of the time this is their first or second luxury handbag purchase with a price mark of $800 and up. If you are making your first luxury handbag purchase, be smart about the style of bag you are choosing to spend your hard earned money on. Like anything, some designers create handbag styles that are here today and gone tomorrow which causes that style to not appreciate in value over time and to soon be forgotten. However, some styles are ICONIC and will withstand the trend forecast test of time. In this piece, I will feature 3 most iconic Louis Vuitton investment pieces to start or grow your collection.
The Speedy
I highly recommend the Speedy as a great starter luxury handbag. These bags make great gifts for a special someone in your life (or yourself). It comes in several sizes and canvas patterns to fit your lifestlye and personality. The Speedy is the Grand Dame of Louis bags because she's sophisticated, vintage, and gives "OLD MONEY".
2. The Neverfull
For the person on-the-go, the Neverfull is perfect. It's spacious and very great as a travel or work bag. My favorite feature of the Neverfull is the Pochette piece that comes with it because you can use it as a clutch. When you purchase a Neverfull, it's like purchasing two handbags for the price of one.
3. Trunks
Louis Vuitton's history goes far back to the spirit of wanderlust. Traveling trunks are the founding fathers of why Louis Vuitton is so successful today, so owning a Louis Vuitton trunk or case is like having a piece of history. Trunks also maintain and increase in value in a major way. Having a Louis Vuitton trunk is literally like having a gold bullion, so it's not a purchase but an investment.
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